sami ullah Khan
We Exports: Silver , Bronz Jwellery , withprecious , semiprecious & Artificial stones , handicrafts , Honey , Onyx products , Carpets , Rugs , Bross Wares & wooden crafts world wide our Imports are: Textiles , Shoes , Garments & Electronics. Our Moto is Exports & Imports quality products with reasonable price.
Swat gemstones, emralds etc are famous in Europe as well as in central Asia. Also Swat is an excellent place to shop for ethnic hand woven shawls and dresses of embroidery The golden tradition of brass ware has its roots in Taxila and Ghandara civilization. In modern times , Pakistan is custodian of these countries old tradition. Glithering copper brass ware , onyx & wooden handicrafts of different shapes and sizes work of highly skilled craftsmen.